* Artisan Log In is unavailable. If you would like an update on your sales to date this month emailed, please email or phone Helen & Lisa 09 218 7645. Statements will be emailed at the end of the month as usual.

Apologies for the inconvenience.  The Fantails

By checking your sales regularly it keeps you in touch with how your products are selling in store, and enables you to keep up with restocking.

1. Click on this link:  ARTISAN LOG-IN

2. Click in the Dealer Code box and type in your Artisan Code ( your 4 digit code )

3. Click in the Password box, enter your Password and log-in

4. Select dates you wish to view, or the drop down box for past weeks etc

5. Submit, and your sales report will appear



The Fantail House, New Zealand Made, Gift Shop